Let me introduce you to this unnatural occurrence the 'residual smile'.
I thought I'd ingeniously created this term for a seemly common yet unmentioned phenomenon.
Sadly, there was already an 'official' definition as sourced from urban dictionary.com:
Residual Smile
When a group of friends is talking and a laugh occurs, while still smiling you make direct eye contact with a stranger and it quickly becomes creepy.
However, the preamble fetches far more than the given scenario; in fact it could encompass anything that gives birth to the initial laughter or smile.
Anyway, the reason I'd thought about this arose from sometime ago.
It's one of the awkward moments in life worse than laughing to yourself on the public transport while watching a comedy or listening to the Muttons.
In this case, I had just conversed with an old buddy. The residual happiness from that random emotional encounter had churned out a sorta freakish grin. Then, my eyes met the eyes of the next being. I must say, She. Was. Gorgeous! Subconsciousness, my body naturally continued to react in apparently the most unfortunate way..
Brows raised, shoulders dipped and a little misfooting. Adding on to the weird smile, my jaw dropped.
Oh my.. Just how creepy did I look?
In the moment of eye-candilicious panic attack, I regained my composure as quick as I could clear my throat and misdirected my eyes to the seemly next most attractive thing - the pillar on the left. Not all hope was lost, I gently tilted my head and gazed back in her direction. She was looking at me! I carefully nodded and flashed a cool smile.
She smiled back.
I guess I made an impression? HAHA!
Labels: Slices of Life
3:45 AM
Just close your eyes, and let the music take you to those faraway places of your childhood, and let the slow, gentle rifts tear those memories you like salt in an old wound, knowing you'll never experience them again.
Sadness was never so happy.
Those first thirty seconds or so are the best bits, though. Something about the simple lack of complexity sends shivers down your spine.
Words cannot express the memories that have resurfaced...